Hive 1

Season 2



June 7, 2018

Watch as Chris installs the first of two nukes to start off his second beekeeping season.

Lots of activity on a sunny day at Hive 1.

Watch Chris perform some hive maintenance on Father's day!! Happy Belated Father's Day to all the pops, dads, papas, grampys, nonos, fathers... well, you get it.

The ladies are still out and about even with the rain!

Trailer - We had an incident this weekend. People were stung. And it was OFF WITH HER HEAD for the Queen. Stay tuned for a blogpost to come!
The ladies are aggressive. We knew that. But this is the type of aggression that has no place in urban beekeeping. We will have to kill the queen and re-queen the hive after this maintenance.

Keep checking back as we add new content!