Let Me Beegin Season 3

​We are so excited to have you all back in our backyard for the beginning of our 3rd season! We are hoping the 2019 season will be the best yet!

This year we are starting off with 4 hives!!! We aren’t messing around this year! We want our chances of some making it through the winter to be as high as possible, so we are upping our odds.

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How Am I SO Bad at This, and Nature So Good?!?

 Or maybe more clearly, how do bees live in nature at all, when my bees get mite treatments, have their nutrition supplemented during dearth’s, and have my knowledgeable care during the year but can’t survive the winter. I’ve been asking this question since I started beekeeping, and I’ve recently got some answers. No no, don’t worry...wild bees are doing just fine out there 😉🐝😉

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Beware: The Russians are Coming!!!

No, I haven’t started using this site to talk about the politics of the day. I am of course talking about bees! We here at He Works Hard for the Honey have had the opportunity to buy some full breed Russian bees for this coming season.  I’m so excited to work with Russian’s and start to distinguish between fact and myth with these fascinating bees.

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Happy New Year!

As we say goodbye to 2018, I have to admit it’s bittersweet. It’s been a rough year for both Chris and I. The ladies were difficult (pooch included), our respective day jobs were hard for both of us and in the midst of that, we finished a basement.

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